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CCU/S in North America - Lessons Learned for Germany

Keywords: International Energy Transition, Energy Research, Evaluation & Monitoring, CC(U)S, USA, Canada | Study published: May 2023

This study provides an overview of the current situation with regard to carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCU/S) in North America. When it comes to the use of these technologies, both the US and Canada are considered pioneers on a global scale – accordingly, experiences from these markets can also be informative for the debate in Germany. While also providing information on the general background and, for instance, funding instruments in both countries, the main focus of the study rests on the applicable regulative framework along the value chain of capture, transport and storage.

Both the literature and interviews regularly emphasize the central role of a consistent and binding regulatory framework for CCU/S projects.

  • An overarching strategy for the development of the sector provides the opportunity to clearly communicate fundamental issues regarding the use of CCU/S.
  • A consistent, comprehensive and binding regulatory framework in line with this strategy speeds up processes and minimizes legal uncertainties.
  • Social acceptance is of outstanding importance, especially for pipeline transport and injections.
  • The operation of CCU/S projects will not be economically viable in the foreseeable future without additional stimuli. 

Download: CCU/S in North America - Lessons Learned for Germany

Published: May 2023
Pages: 58 | 1,14 MB

adelphi consult GmbH
Jakob Eckardt, Jannik Hoehne, Saskia Lengning, Dr Christian Kluge, Lea Mohnen, Marie Münch, Bastian Stenzel

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