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Bilateral Climate and Energy Partnerships

The Climate and Energy Partnerships combine economic cooperation with sustainable climate action and create long-term development prospects for everyone involved.

Realising the energy transition and achieving the Paris climate targets is not only a global challenge, but also fundamental when it comes to ensuring sustainable  economic development and expanding reliable trade relations. 

It is global teamwork to forward the energy transition

The growing network strengthens the political dialog on climate protection and energy transition between Germany and the 32 partner countries.

Click to learn more about our partner countries

Annual Report 2024

Bringing Germany closer to climate neutrality by 2045, supporting efforts to make the energy transition a success and driving progress towards the stated goals in our partner countries is what the Climate and Energy Partnerships are working for. Explore the key activities of 2024 in the annual report.


Built on enduring trust and successful collaboration, the partnerships enhance climate cooperation, accelerate the expansion of renewable energy and energy efficiency and support partners in reaching their climate targets.

Three key goals guide the wide-ranging partnerships

Energy security

Energy security
is global


Clean energy is the foundation of our shared future.

Foreign Trade Promotion

Climate friendly innovation drives sustainable growth.

Opportunity plattform

Unique challenges, need unique solutions. The Climate and Energy Partnerships and Energy Dialogues can create opportunities for sustainable growth and trade. 

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In Focus: Energy readings

MENA-Europe Future Energy Dialogue

The MEFED, a leading forum for decision makers from politics, business and research, dedicated to strengthening energy cooperation between the MENA region and Europe has now been brought to life for the second time by the Climate and Energy Partnerships.

Visit MEFED 2024

Additional thematic areas in which the partnerships are active: